Journal #36

It seems like awhile since I last post something so I thought I’d give an update on my life to this point.

Yesterday I helped teach a comic class with my fiance’s father. This class was for a girl scout troop of about 20 girls. Sara’s dad often teaches cartooning classes through the public museum so he is quite good at it. I didn’t say too much and mostly helped hand out papers which was fine with me. I also helped if any girls had trouble drawing something. I brought my new iMac and graphics tablet to let the girls draw with it. It was fun to see the girls draw and they were all well-behaved. Afterward, I wondered if my drawing skill was any better than their’s at that age. I would have liked to believe that I was a little ahead of the curve in the drawing department anyway. Someday, I would like to teach a class on comic strips or web comics but I don’t know if I can overcome my shyness to really do that. We’ll see… maybe someday.

As you can see, I’m still taking a break from “Habitat.” Right now I’m just mulling over ideas for a new comic. Comics with kids in them have always appealed to me so I’m thinking of starting a comic with a 10-year-old boy has the main character. I want there to be a side kick character but I don’t want it to seem like I’m blatantly ripping off Calvin and Hobbes. I’m not sure when I’ll be posting my first new comic but I want to make sure it’s up to snuff before I post anything. It will be color and probably be the size and format of a Sunday newspaper comic strip. I’ve got the character’s name and now all I have to do is design him, think of up his personality, the setting, the supporting characters, font style, and the overall look of the comic. Not too much to do. Ha-ha

Well, I should get off this computer and actually do something today. Thanks for reading. Til next time, keep your eyes, ears, and minds open.

Habitat Comic #4

The inspiration for this came while walking Iggy.

The inspiration for this came while walking Iggy.

Hello again everyone. It’s time for another comic strip. I’m going to try my best and work my buns off to get a new comic out every Saturday. So keep stop by every Saturday to see whats going on.

I figure that if I’m going to submit my comics to a syndicate by my next birthday, I’ll have to do more than one strip a month. Putting them out weekly should be enough to give me choice of which are going to be sent off. I’m sure not every one of these things is going to be gold so it would be nice to only send the best. To make this hobby into a career is my goal.

This past week wasn’t as productive as I would have liked. I stayed up too late most nights and didn’t wake early enough to practice drawing before work. I’m a fairly proficient at drawing but I struggle with it sometimes and I would like it to come a bit easier. Anything I can do to make this comic better I’m going to do even if it means getting to bed earlier and waking up early.

I still would like to create a podcast even though I’m unsure how good it would be. I actually bought a cheap microphone for my MacBook but it wouldn’t work so I had to take it back. I did find a free app for the iphone that records audio and is pretty easy to get on to my computer so I’ll probably just use that. As for content of the podcast, I probably will just talk about what I usually would write about: How the strip is going, ideas for future strips, my process, random dumb ideas… you know, boring stuff like that.

OK, That’s it for now. Thanks for stopping.